Our Montana winter claimed nearly 100 of our Grosso lavender plants. We will be replacing it with the Folgate which is much hardier. I do have a few rows of Grosso left and will see what the winter of 23-24 brings.
Scientifically known as Lavendula x intermedia. It is a hybrid of English and Portuguese lavender. They are generally known as lavadins, and have both the beauty and fragrance of English lavender as well as the resistance and tolerance of Portuguese lavender. Grosso lavender is perfect for essential oils. The long lasting blooms and fragrance are great for cut flowers, dried arrangements, oil infusions, potpourri, and are delish in culinary and herbal recipes. A huge bonus is the honey bees love it!
Known as lavandula angustifolia, is an English variety. It is very aromatic and has a mid-purple/blue flower. They are known to withstand cold temperatures (Montana winters) . They work well for dried arrangements, potpourri and bath salts. They are also a huge magnet for the honey bee.